Quotation Request Locksure Client Details Business Details Buildings & Contents Business Activities Your Requirements Additional Covers (Hidden) Calc Page (Hidden) Cover Details Backoffice Client DetailsContact Name -- Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof. Capt. Lord Lady Major Rev. Master Exec(s) of Mx Contact EmailPlease note your email address will be your login username. Email you will log in with this Forgot your password? Email enter again Password Password enter again Contact telephone Contact address UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Business DetailsDoes your business include any Auto Locksmith work? YesNo What type of business do you operate? - select - Sole Trader Partnership Limited Company How many partners work manually away in the business? What is your full business name?If Ltd Company – e.g – Joe Bloggs Ltd If a Partnership – e.g – Mr J Bloggs & Mr P. Bloggs T/as Joe Bloggs & Sons If Sole Trader – e.g – Mr J Bloggs T/as Joe Bloggs Is the business address the same as the contact address? YesNo Business Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Do you operate from any business premises? YesNo What is the business annual turnover? £ Percentage of turnover generated at the premises?What percentage of the turnover is generated at the premises (rather than your work away) % Turnover Generated At Premises - HIDDEN £ Does the business owner work solely at business premises? YesNo The total number of persons working manually away:(this includes any persons who work away as well as work in any other category) The total number of persons working solely at business premises:- excluding staff that undertake clerical duties only Total wage roll for clerical employees in the business, if applicable: £ Have you suffered any claims in the last 5 years? YesNo Please provide further details: Buildings & ContentsPremises Address: UDPRN UPRN Organisation Line 1 Line 2 Town/City County Postcode Enter address manually or Enter address manually Use address lookup Cover type: - select - Buildings only Contents only Buildings and Contents Building sum insured: £ General contents sum insured £ Power Tools £ Stock sum insured: £ Computer equipment sum insured: £ Is the building constructed with a flat roof? YesNo Hidden Postcode Hidden Postcode No Space Sub Postcode 5 Sub Postcode 4 Sub Postcode 3 AXA - Mapflow Flood AXA - Mapflow Subs AXA - Mapflow Subs Decline AXA - Mapflow Theft Total Content Flood Deductible 400 750 1500 2500 5000 Sub Deductible 1000 1500 2000 2500 Theft Deductible 350 500 Add new premises Would you like to add terrorism cover for the declared premises? YesNo Property Insurance Statement The buildings of your business premises are constructed with external walls of brick, stone or concrete and roofed with slates, tiles or profile metal The buildings of your business premises have not previously suffered damage by flood and are not in a known flood area. The buildings of your business premises are free from cracks or other signs of damage that may be due to subsidence, landslip or heave and have not previously suffered damage by any of these and are not in a known subsidence area All of your business premises are occupied solely by you for the purposes of the business or with an element of ancillary residential accommodation None of your business premises are left unoccupied for more than 30 consecutive days I AGREEI DO NOT AGREE Please provide details why you could not agree to the above statements: Total number of properties (hidden) Business ActivitiesInstallation of CCTV or alarm systems is less than 10% of annual income*ARCHIVED 01/05/24* YesNo Is the installation of CCTV or alarm systems more than 10% of your annual income? YesNo What is the estimated percentage of work on CCTV/Alarms? % Do you carry out any monitoring of Alarms/CCTV? YesNo Apart from work as a general locksmith or auto locksmith, do you undertake any other activities? YesNo Apart from work as a general locksmith, do you undertake any other activities?*ARCHIVED 24/06/24* YesNo Apart from work as an auto locksmith do you undertake any other activities?*ARCHIVED 24/06/24* YesNo Please provide further details: Do you work at heights over 5 meters from ground or floor level? YesNo What percentage of work is carried out at heights in excess of 5m? % What is the maximum height worked at? metres Does your work involve the use of heat away from your premises?– including the use of any grinding or disc cutting equipment. YesNo Will the use of heat be over 5% of your overall work? YesNo Do you use any specialist contractors to carry out work on your behalf? YesNo Specialist contractors annual payments:Please provide an estimate. £ Your RequirementsWhen do you need cover to start from? 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2025 Public & Products Liability Please select your Public & Products Liability Limit of Indemnity: - select - £5,000,000 £10,000,000 Tools, Equipment and Stock (away from your premises) Would you like to insure Tools, Equipment and Stock away from your premises? YesNo £5,000 is included automatically, do you want to increase this? YesNo Please enter the required Sum Insured for Tools, Equipment and Stock: £ Business Interruption Would you like to add business interruption cover for the declared premises? YesNo Estimated gross profit:Please note that the available maximum limit is £1,000,000. £ Additional CoversEmployers Liability (HIDDEN) YesNo Does the client wish to include enhanced MLP cover? YesNo Calc PageRatesVersionControl DocumentsVersionControl PL Manual Workaway Employees £ PL Minimum Premium £ PL Employees at Premises £ PL premises risk disc £ EL Manual Workaway Employees £ EL Employees at Premises £ Terrorism Charge £ Premises Only Partners Manual Load/Discount £ Binder ref Management Liability LoI £ Cover Details Set £10m Public Liability Loading @ % £0.00 Total Premium (Net) £0.00 + IPT @ % £0.00 + Policy Fee £ £0.00 Total Premium £0.00 Total Commission £0.00 (Due From Broker) £0.00 BackofficeIs this record Imported? YesNo Is this policy a renewal? YesNo Does the client pay on premium finance? YesNo Finance Charge (based on total premium inc IPT & policy fee)This value cannot be amended on this page - if the Finance Y / N question is changed then you must use the 'Re-run rating' found within the 'Re-run rules' option £ FinanceRateVersionControl Finance rateThis rate cannot be amended on this page - if the Finance Y / N question is changed then you must use the 'Re-run rating' found within the 'Re-run rules' option If the finance rate changes it must be updated in the rating files Total monthly payment amount(Premium + Policy Fee + Finance Charge) / 10 Does the client pay on invoice? YesNo Does the client have a fleet policy with us? YesNo Does the client have a Plant policy with us? YesNo Does the client pay by card YesNo Is this an Irish Policy? YesNo The file has been audited YesNo Were there any underwriting, processing or compliance issues? YesNo Please enter details here: InvoiceRef